Calendly saves your organization time by eliminating back and forth emails with clients and simplifying scheduling processes in your business.
Calendly has some great integrations with other tools that can help you manage your schedule and even automate it. Here’s an in-depth guide on how to use Calendly.
How to sign up for Calendly
- Open Calendly in your browser.
- Add your email and click Sign Up to create a new account.
- Enter your full name and password, then click Continue.
- Calendly will send you a confirmation email. Click Confirm My Email.
- The link will redirect you to Calendly. Add your password, then select Continue.
- Click Set Up Later to skip creating the Calendly URL.
- Click Continue without Calendar – we will add this later.
- Click Set Up Later to skip adding your availability.
- Enter your role at work and select Finish.
How to customize your Calendly profile
- Click Account, then pick Account Settings from the drop-down to customize your profile.
- Upload your picture, add your name, the welcome message you would like people to see, language, date, time, country, and time zone.
- Click Save Changes.
- Select Branding below “Account Settings.” Click Upload Image to add your business logo. Ensure the toggle button is on the right to activate “Calendly Branding” and select Save Changes.
- Click My Link below “Account Settings” to change your Calendly link to a name representing your business or brand.
- Click Save Changes to save the new Calendly link.
- If you want to change your password or email, select Login under “Account Settings” and update your information.
How to connect Calendly to other calendars
- Go to accounts, then click Calendar Connections from the drop-down menu.
- Navigate to calendars and select the one you would like to connect with Calendly. In this case, let’s add a Google calendar.
- Click Connect next to Google Calendar.
- Select the Google account that you would like to link with Calendly.
- Click Allow to grant Calendly permission to make changes on your Google calendar.
- After that, Calendly will sync to your Google calendar.
- You can add up to 6 different calendars. To add another calendar, click Add Calendar Account, and repeat steps 2 to 5.
How to link Zoom to Calendly
- Select the Integrations tab from the top left corner, scroll down, and select Zoom.
- Select Connect Zoom.
- You will be redirected to Zoom to sign in to your account. After adding login details, click Sign In.
- Enter the confirmation code sent to your email, then click Verify.
- Once verified, check the box to give Calendly permission to access your Zoom account, then select Authorize.
- You might receive this error message: “Unable to install this app because it needs pre-approval by your account admin. Please contact your account admin for more details.”If yes, follow the steps below.
- Go to Zoom Marketplace and search for Calendly (make sure you are logged in).
- Move the toggle bar to the right to enable Calendly to connect with Zoom.
- Head back to Calendly and continue from steps 3 to 5. Now Calendly is connected to your Zoom account.
- If you would like to remove the Zoom account, select Disconnect.
How to create events in Calendly
On the home page, delete the event automatically created by clicking on the engine icon and selecting Delete.
How to create a One-on-One event in Calendly
- On the home page, select New Event Type.
- Select Create next to the “One-on-One” event type.
- Add the event name, the location from the drop-down, general information about the meeting, the meeting link, and event color, then click Next.
- Below “Date range” select how long people can book you for. You can pick X days in the future, within a specific date range, or indefinitely.
- At “Duration” pick how long you want your meeting to last.
- Below “How do you want to offer your availability for this event type”, select Set custom hours to create a new schedule.
- You can change the time zone and the time of the day when you will be available.
- If you aren’t available on a particular day, uncheck the box next to that day.
- To avoid back-to-back meeting scheduling or immediately jumping from one meeting to another, you should block time off. Under “Want to Add time before or after your events,” check the “Before event” box and “After event” box, then add how long you would like to block time off.
- Click Save & Close to save the updates.
- On the home page, select Turn on to activate your calendar.
- Click on the view booking page to see what the calendar will look like for your visitors.
How to create a group event in Calendly
You can use group events to schedule classes, tours, webinars, or conferences.
- On the home page, select New Event Type.
- Select Create next to the “Group” event type.
- Add the event name, location from the drop-down, general information about the meeting, the meeting link, the maximum number of people attending the event, and select the event color.
- You can check the “Display remaining spots on booking page” box so that your invitees can see the remaining slots.
- Calendly automatically generates the meeting URL. If you want a custom URL, make changes under “Event link.”
- Click Next.
- Below “Date range,” select the date range you will be available for. You can pick X days in the future, within a specific date range, or indefinitely. Let’s choose a particular range of dates.
- At “Duration,” pick how long you want your occasion to last—for example, 60 minutes.
- At “How do you want to offer your availability for this event type,” you can choose to create a new schedule or pick the one you created by clicking Use an existing schedule.
- To create a new schedule, select Set custom hours. Add your availability next to each day.
- You can change the time zone and the time of the day when you will be available. If you aren’t available on a particular day, uncheck the box next to that day.
- To avoid back-to-back meeting scheduling or immediately jumping from one meeting to another, check the “Before event” box and “After event” box, then add how long you would like to block time off.
- Click Next.
- Calendly will generate the event link.
Click on the link to view how the calendar will look to other users.
How to create a collective event in Calendly
In collective events, the calendar is open for booking only when all team members are available—for example, invitees meeting with the CEO and the salesperson.
- On the home page, select New Event Type.
- Click invite members to add new team members.
- Add their emails and click Next, then select Finish.
- On the home page, select New Event Type.
- Select Create next to the “Collective” event type.
- At “Who will be part of this event type?” enter the team member’s name to add them.
- Click Next.
- At “What event is this?” enter your event name, meeting description, and color, then click Next.
- At “Hosts & Location,” select the location that best suits you and other team members.
- Select Next.
- Below “Date range” select the days you want event to be available. You can pick X days in the future, within a specific date range, or indefinitely. Let’s choose seven days into the future.
- Under “Duration,” pick how long you want your event to last, for example, 45 minutes.
- Under “Available hours,” choose a different schedule for each host or use the same program for all the hosts.
- When you choose the same schedule for each team member, you will have one calendar for all team members.
- If you select “choose hours for each host,” the calendar will be open for booking when all the team members are available.
- Click on Edit to set availability for each team member.
- You can check the “Before event” box and “After event” box to add time before and after your events.
- Select Next.
- Select the view booking page to see how the calendar will look for visitors on the home page.
How to create a round-robin event in Calendly
A round-robin event rotates the host of the event between team members. The invitee will pick the time when any team members are available.
- On the home page, select New Event Type.
- Select Create next to the “Round Robin” event type.
- In “Who will be part of this event type,” type the team members’ names to add them to the event.
- Select Next.
- At “What event is this?” enter your event name, meeting description, and color.
- Click Next.
- You can optimize the event by availability or equal distribution. Optimizing by availability enables invitees to book any available host while optimizing by equal distribution ensures all the hosts have almost the same number of meetings.
- When you optimize for availability, you need to add hosts priority. Click on the “star icon” to show hosts’ priorities. Clicking three times shows high priority, twice medium, and once low importance.
- Add the location that best suits each host. Under “Show advanced settings,” add the reschedule preference. Click Next.
- Below “Date range,” select a range of dates meetings can be accepted. Date range.
- At “Duration,” Pick how long you want your Event to last—for example, 30 minutes.
- You can choose a schedule for each host or use the same schedule for all hosts at “Available hours.”
- If you select “choose hours for each host,” Click on Edit to set availability for each team member.
- You can add time before and after each event to prevent back-to-back meetings. When finished, click Save & Close.
How to customize Calendly events
- Select the event that you would like to customize.
- Scroll down to “Additional Options” and expand Invitee Questions.
- To add the questions that you have for your invitees. Create a new question by selecting Add New Question.
- If the question is not optional, check the “Required” box.
- Choose “Answer Type” from the drop-down.
- You can select the One-Line answer type for short answers and the Multiple Lines answer type for lengthy explanations. For option list selection, select Radio Buttons and Checkboxes answer type.
- Use the trash can icon to delete expected answers or questions.
- Click Save & Close to save changes.
- Expand Notifications and Cancellation Policy.
- Select Personalize next to “Email Confirmation’ or “Email Cancellations.’
- Make the changes you’d like on the email to brand it. Click Save & Close to save the email.
- If you would like an event reminder, email follow-up, or text reminder sent to your invitees, click the OFF toggle button next to “Email Reminders” and turn it to ON. Do the same next to “Text Reminders”.
- Click Personalize to edit the reminder or email follow-up.
- To add cancellation policies, select Show Cancellation Policy to expand it.
- Type in your policy, then click Save & Close.
How to create a one-off meeting in Calendly
A one-off meeting is used to set up a one-time meeting function with high priority and is not the same as your other events.
- Select Create and pick a one-off meeting from the drop on the home page.
- Select the duration of the meeting at “Duration” If you would like to add another host from your team, enter their email at “Hosts”
- Select the month you would like to have this meeting from the month drop-down. You can only book a one-off session up to 3 months in advance.
- Select the time and date when you’d like to have this meeting and click Next.
- Add the meeting name and location.
- Select Add details/Agenda to add more information about the meeting.
- Select the slide button next to “Reserve times” When you enable reserve times, a placeholder will be added to your calendar so that no one else can book you at this time until the invitee books you via the one-off meeting invitation.
- Select Publish meeting.
- Your meeting URL will popup – this is a customizable link which you can change.
- Copy the link and open it in a new window to view the booking page.
- Once you have created the meeting, you can find it under Scheduled Events at Pending.
How to set up your availability in Calendly
- On the home page, select Availability from the top menu.
- To set your availability, select New Schedule.
- Add a schedule name, then select Create.
- Check the boxes next to the days when you are available.
- Select the addition sign to add multiple time frames of availability, and pick the time from the drop-down. Multiple time frame ensures booking does not occur during specific durations like lunchtime.
- To delete time, click on the trashcan icon.
- If your availability is recurrent from the one you just created, click the copy icon, select the recurrent days, and select Apply.
- To make changes on a specific day, select Add a date override.
- Select the day you would like to make changes, then click Apply.
- If you are away for a specific period of time, select the dates, then under “what hours are you available,” click on the trash can icon.
- Click Apply. You’re now unavailable on the selected dates.
- The calendar will display the changes. If, for instance, changes occur to your vacation dates and you will be available, just click on the trashcan icon, and the calendar will undo the override.
- Select Event Types and pick which event type to use with the calendar from the drop-down.
- Click Save to complete setting up your schedule.
- You can now view your calendar in List view or Calendar view.
How to add rules to your availability in Calendly
- Select the event you would like to add availability rules to on the home page.
- Select When can people book this Event? to expand this section.
- Scroll down and select Additional rules for your Availability.
- To adjust the available time to start a meeting, select the time at “Start time increments”. Shorter increments give your invitees more time options for booking.
- To prevent last-minute scheduling, head over to “Scheduling conditions” at “Invitees can’t schedule within…” and select the minimum time prior to an event booking.
- You can also set the maximum amount of events per day at “Maximum allowed events per day for this type of event.”
- Under “Time zone display”, make sure Calendly automatically detects your invitees’ time zone.
- If you want to make your meeting hidden so that only the people with the link can see, check the box under “Secret event.”
- Click Save & Close.
How to receive payments in Calendly
- Select the Integrations tab from the top left corner, scroll down, and select your preferred payment method. For example, you can use PayPal or Stripe. For this tutorial we will be using Paypal.
- Select Connect with PayPal.
- You will be redirected to your PayPal account, enter your email and country, and click Next.
- Enter your password and select Login.
- Click Agree and Connect to allow Calendly to handle your payments.
- Now your PayPal is connected to Calendly.
- To receive payment, select the event you are charging.
- At “Additional Options,” select Collect Payments to add the payment details.
- Select the method of payment, the amount of money, and your terms for the payment.
- Click Save & Close.
- Click on the View booking page to view the paid event.
How to create meeting polls in Calendly
Meeting polls are helpful when setting up a meeting with a group of people or on various calendars.
- Select the Create button and then pick Meeting poll from the dropdown menu.
- Add the meeting duration. If you have multiple schedules, select the one you would like to use.
- From the calendar, select the time you will be available for the meeting.
- There’s a maximum of 40-time slots available by clicking on the times selected. If you want to delete a time, you can cancel a time from “Selected times”. Click Next.
- Add the meeting poll name and location. Select Add details/Agenda to add more information about the meeting.
- Toggle on the button next to “Reserve times.” When you enable reserve times, a placeholder will be added to your calendar so that no one else can book you at this time.
- Click Publish meeting poll.
- Customize the poll’s URL if you prefer. To view the meeting poll, click View live page.
- Calendly will send you an email notification when people vote on a time that works best for them.
- To set the best time to book the meeting, select Pending at Scheduled Events. Click the meeting poll to expand and view the votes.
- Choose the overall winner with the top vote. Select Book meeting time under the winning vote.
- Calendly will send a meeting invitation to them and add it to your calendar. From here, you can add or remove invitees.
How to automate Calendly with workflow
Workflow allows you to send personalized messages to your invitees after a meeting.
- Select the Integrations tab from the top left corner, scroll down, and select Gmail for Workflows.
- Select Connect Gmail.
- Select the Gmail account you would like to link with Calendly from the popup.
- Check the box next to “Send an email on your behalf” to allow Calendly to access your Gmail account.
- Select Continue.
- Now that your calendar is connected, select Explore workflows.
- Click Create your own workflow to get started.
- At “When this happens,” select what will trigger Calendly to send an email. For example, if you want to send a thank-you email after a meeting, at “when this happens,” select Event ends.
- At “How long after event is canceled?” select when you would like the message sent.
- At “Do this” pick whom you would like to send the email – it can be the host or invitee. Click Next.
- Add the workflow name and pick which event type you want to send the message. Select Apply to save changes.
- Under “Do this” select Edit to customize the message sent.
- You can choose the email template and add the subject line and body. By selecting the Thank you template, the other fields auto-populate. Click Done.
- We can add more activities by selecting Add Action. You can add up to 5 activities to the workflow. These activities include sending a reminder to the event organizer, sending a follow-up message to invitees, or sharing resources. To add more actions, repeat the same process from steps 8 to 16. Select Save to continue.
- To view the automation, Select Workflows. You can also edit, clone, or delete a workflow from here.
There are two main Calendly scheduling links: landing page link (which lists all of your meetings) and specific event page links.
Sharing your landing page link
- Click on Account on the top right to share the landing page, then select Share Your Link.
- A popup will appear. You can share your landing page as a link, email, or add it to your website.
- For example, press the edit button next to Add to Your website and pick how you would like your calendar to appear on your website, then click Continue.
- At “Booking page settings,” customize the booking page background, text, button, and link color. Click Copy Code.
- Paste the code as HTML on your website.
- Click Preview.
Sharing a specific event link
- If you would like to share a specific event, click on share and select which format you would like.