Depending on the shipping method and company, Etsy orders can take between 2 to 3 business days for local deliveries to ship. That number stands at around 10 to 12 business days for international deliveries.
Etsy does not ship the products themselves. Instead, individual sellers ship the products after receiving orders.
The estimated delivery date depends on the processing and transit time. Processing time is how long the seller takes to create and pack the items. Transit time is when your package is in transit with the shipping company.
If the processing time is 2 to 3 days and transit time is 4 to 5 days, then your estimated delivery date should be 6 to 8 days from the day you place the order.
Check the estimated delivery date for your order on
- Click your Account icon on Etsy’s homepage.
- Click Purchases and reviews from the dropdown menu.
You should see the date to the right of your order. However, note that not all orders have estimated delivery dates.
Check the estimated delivery date for a product you want to buy
- Go to the product page on Etsy.
- Scroll down to the Delivery and return policies section on the right side.
You should see the dates for “Estimated arrival” (estimated delivery date), “Order placed,” “Order dispatches,” and “Delivery date.”
You can also reach out to the seller by messaging them using the “Message seller” button in the “Meet your sellers” section.